Medallion Star Tree Topper
Not only did our family get a new tree this year, I decided to make a new tree topper. Measuring 7" in diameter, this Star Medallion is made using Whimsy Sticks tools and Whimsy Tape, 2 yards of 1-1/2" wide striped grosgrain ribbon (from Costco). The center is white medallion is made from 1 yard of 1/2" wide satin edged organza ribbon with a bead center.
1. To make an embellishment this large, you will need to tape your 2" & 1-1/2" Whimsy Sticks together.
2. Wrap the ribbon around the taped Whimsy Sticks having the ribbon wraps lay side by side. Apply Whimsy Tape to each edge of BOTH side of the stick. Scoot wraps almost off the end of the Stick and continue wrapping until you have 9-10 wraps. Tape edges to hold and remove the Whimsy Stick.
3. Once the Whimsy Stick has been removed from the taped wraps, sew a straight stitch off-center as shown with blue line.
4. You will need 8 complete loops to make the star. Ribbon end "A" is on the back of the loops and faces either UP or DOWN (this depends on if you are left or right handed). Ribbon end "B" should be on the back of the loops and should face the opposite direction as ribbon end "A". Trim ends to 1/2" as shown.
5. Fold ribbon tails as shown and press.
6. Turn loops wrong side up (tails will be on the top).
7. Fold trim into a circle overlapping the ends as shown. Pin to hold and hand tack to secure.
8. Turn circle (or ring) of loops right side out.
9. Thread a hand sewing needle with strong thread and knot the ends together so the thread is doubled.
Looking closely at the LONG loops, locate which side of the loop has the underside of the loop extending forward. Take the needle DOWN through that side of the end of the loop. (Too confusing? Look closely at the picture below.)
10. Stitch through the end of all loops. Take the needle back through the first loop a second time to close the circle. Pull stitches slightly and take the needle down the center so you can tie the knot on the wrong side.
The loops should overlap as shown. If they don't, remove stitches and try sewing through the opposite edge of each loop.
11. Pull the stitches tight and knot securely on the wrong side. Turn right side and and center the middle point and flatten. Press if needed. (This is the last step for the white center.)
12. Turn the folded edge of each center loop onto itself matching it to the opposite edge. Tack to hold.
13. Turn back all loops and tack.
Star Center
The center is made using a 1" Whimsy Stick and the 1/2" satin edged organza ribbon. Make an 8 loop medallion as shown in steps 1-11 above. Sew a bead in the center of the medallion and hand sew in the center of the striped star.
These and many other technique can be found in the book Whimsy Flowers & Trims book. This book comes with a sample set of Whimsy Sticks and will show you how to make clever flowers, trims and even more medallions. You can also purchase the full sized Whimsy Sticks from us.
Change It Up
Make that same center medallion and trim, packages, your dog, and so much more! If you Have the last issue of Sew Beautiful magazine, I adapted these ornament jars from My Candy Bar article to make the trimmed Jars below.
Cute Christmas idea. I'm trying to get this link to work but cannot:
Little Miss Sunshine Flower Purse Pattern
Is it no longer available. And is the scissor fob directions downloadable or in one of your 3 books (& I've missed it in them?)
thanks...hoping to get those Pinwheel templates at MPullen VCC in Atlanta this next wk!! Is your calendar updated? thanks
Posted by: Glenda Marsh | July 15, 2016 at 03:31 PM